2. Lexical Analysis

Angold Wang 19/02/2022

User view

if (i == j) 
    z = 0;
    z = 1;

Compiler view

if (i == j)\n\t\tz = 0;\n\telse\n\t\tz = 1;

1. Formal Languages

Seperate Syntax and Semantics

  • Makes clear what is syntax, what is semantics.
  • Example: Roman numerals vs. Arabic numerals
    • Roman numerals are painful to do addition and subtraction, etc.
    • The reason is that the algorithms were kind of complicated.
    • The notation causes this big difference (procedure)
    • Don’t underestimate the importatance of notation.

Syntax vs. Semantics

  • We can use Multiple syntax to represent the same semantics.
  • Which is the basis of Optimization.
  • The fact that several programs that are actually functionally equivalent, that allow us to substitute one program that runs faster than another.
  • Never one to many!!!

2. Lexical Specification

1. Write rexp for the lexemes of each token class

  • Number = digit+
  • Keyword = ‘if’ + ‘else’ + ‘for’ + …
  • Identifier = letter(letter + digit)*
  • OpenPar = ‘(’

2. Construct R, matching all lexemes for all tokens

Which is just the union of all the regular expressions
R = Keyword + Identifier + Number + ...
R is the some of of all the different token classes of our language

3. Let input be x1...xn

For 1 <= i <= n check whether x1...xi in L(R).

What if no rules matches? * if the whole x1...xn not in L(R) - We don’t let this ever happen. * We we are going to do instead, is to write a category of error strings. * ERROR = all strings not in the lexical specifications * Put ERROR last in piority

4. If success, then we know that

x1...xi in L(Rj) for some j

How much input is used? * if x1...xi in L(R), and so as x1...xj (i != j) * For example. == should be treat as “double =” or “equal operator ==”? * Solution: Maximal Munch * We should always take the longer one when meet ambigurity * That just the way that humans themselves read things

Which token is used? * Suppose R = R1 + R2 + ... Rn and there we have: * (x1...xi) in L(Rj) * (x1...xi) in L(Rk) * k != j * For example. if should be treat as an Identifier or a keyword? * Solution: Piority Ordering * Choose the one listed first. * typically, put keywords before the identifiers

5. Remove x1...xi from input and go to (3)

3. Finite Automata

  • Regular expressions = specification
  • Finite automata = implementation
  • Both NFAs and DFAs can recognize regular languages (equivalent power)
  • DFAs are faster to execute.
    • There are no choices to consider
  • NFAs are, in general, smaller.

Example: A NFA that accepts the rexp: 1* + 0:


1. Regular Expressions -> NFA


2. NFA to DFA

  • Key IDEA: DFA M’ keeps track of the subset of possible states in NFA M.
  • That is why in general DFA are much bigger: 2^n - 1 subsets for n states NFA

3. Implement Table-driven DFA

3. Exercises

1. Minimum States

  • Answer: Minimum states: 3n + 1

2. NFA vs. DFA

Question: Which of the following automata are NFAs?

  • NFAs must have a finite set of states, which rules out the last option.
  • Every DFA is also an NFA, which is why the first option is included.