A4 Spring 2022 Webinar Series

1. MapReduce

Host By Angold Wang 02/25/2022

Prologue: The Power of Abstraction


These Abstractions let us reason about the behavior of our building blocks, without understanding the implementation details underneath.


  • IO concurrency
    • While some threads are waiting for I/O, other threads can utilize the CPU resources.
  • Parallelism
    • Execute code in parallel on several cores.
  • Convinence
    • Relatively simple to programming


  • Most User: Do not aware / care.
  • Computer Enthusiast (Geek): Intel Core i7-12700K, 12 Cores / 20 Threads.
  • Some Programmers: Thread vs. Process.

Programming Language

  • User-level Threads (N:M)*
    • The kernel is not aware of the existence of these threads.
    • These threads are usually inside 1 or more process, managed by the Thread Scheduler of the programming language itself.
    • Example: Golang: goroutine.
  • Kernel-level Threads (1:1)
    • Kernel Scheduling Entity (KSE)
    • The minimum-executable unit in the machine.
    • Managed by the OS Scheduler
    • Example: C: pthread, Java: java.lang.Thread, C++ std::thread.

Thread implementation in Golang - Goroutine

  • Each goroutine is an independent unit of execution, which have its unique stack.
  • Go’s runtime uses resizable, bounded stacks, initially of only 2KB/goroutine. (the runtime grows and shrinks).
  • Work-stealing scheduling algorithm.

Operating Systems

Threads and Processes are the same !

They are all KSEs, and the OS manage them through the OS Scheduler.

1. Distributed Systems

i. What a Distributed System is?

A set of cooperating computers that are communicating with each other over network to get some conherent task done.

  • Storiage for big websites
  • Big data computations (MapReduce)

ii. Why People Need a Distributed System?

Usually, the high-level goal of building a distributed system is to get scalable speed-up.

  1. “More” Data and Computations
  2. Scalability
    • 2x computers -> 2x throughput (huge win)
    • Parallelism: Split the computations into multiple machines. (MapReduce)
    • High-throughput: Split the request data into pieces and read them conrurrently from different servers (GFS).
  3. Phsical Reason
  4. Security / Isolated

iii. Challenges

  1. Fault Tolerate.
    • Big distributed systems: Failure problems just happen all the time !
    • The failure has to be built into the design.
    • Recoverability
  2. Achieve this Scalability. (not infinite)
  3. Build the Interface.
    • The “Abstraction”.
    • We’d love to be able to build interfaces that look and act just like non-distributed storage and computation systems, but are actually with vast and extremely high performance fault tolerant distributed systems underneath.
  4. Consistency
    • How to make Replicas consistent.
    • Communication problem (Weak and Strong consistency)

2. MapReduce

i. Overview

Back to 2004, engineers in Google were were looking for a framework that would make it easy for non-specialists to be able to write and run giant distributed computations.

  • Analysis Crawled Documents
  • Build a index of the web
  • Sort Web requests logs

  • Multi-hour Computations
  • Multi-terabyte Datasets
  • Multi-thousand Machines

  • How to parallelize the computations ?
  • How to distribute the data ?
  • How to handle failures ?

ii. Programming Model

In a programmer’s view, the computation recieves many files, and takes a set of input key/value pairs, then produces a set of output key/value pairs.

Example: word count



  • Written by the User.
  • Recieve input files and then produces a set of output key/value pairs.
  • MR calls map(k, v) for each input file k, and its contains v, produces set of k2, v2 ” intermediate” data.
map(String key, String value) {
    // key: document name
    // value: document contents
    for each word w in value:
        Emit(w, "1");


  • Wirtten by the user.
  • Recieve key/value pairs from Map.
  • Then merge together these values with same key to form a possibly smaller set of values.
  • MR gathers all intermediate v2 for a given k2, and passes each key + values to a reduce call.
  • Final outut is set of <k2, v3> pairs from reduce(k2, v2)s.
reduce(k, v)
    // key: a word
    // value: a list of counts
    int result = 0; 
    for each v in values:
        result += ParseInt(v);

MapReduce scales well

  • N “worker” computers get you Nx throughtput.
  • maps can run in parallel, since they don’t interact. Same for reduces.
  • In that way, you can get more throughtput by buying more computers.

3. Implementation Details

i. Runtime Details (check my notes):


ii. RPC MapReduce Implementation


4. Practice Performance