Angorithm4 Webinar #6

Cohost by Jiawei Wang 2021-11-26

1. Announcement

1. About

  • In Progress…
  • With database, and support notes display, video playing etc.
  • About one month (till end of this year)
  • Runs on my Raspberry Pi 4B
  • A challenge for me, since it won’t based on any web framework
  • Maybe you can help…

2. About Linux:

  • Run Ubuntu on VirtualBox is not a good idea…, Mostly, especially when you do not have a desktop computer.
  • Instead, Try boot Ubuntu sepreate from Windows (Install ubuntu 20.04 LTS alongside windows 10)
  • All you need is a 32GB SD Card and this video

2. Microarchitecture - Single-Cycle

1. Turing Machine


#### T-decidable: If the Turing machine is always halting
which means always rejecting by explicitly coming to a reject state and halting.


If the Turing machine is always reject by looping forever (From state to state but never stop in the final state).

One example of T-recognizable: (Hilbert’s 10th Problem)

  • Equations of polynomials where solutions must be integers.
  • Let D = {p | polynomial p(x1, x2, …, xk) = 0 has a solution in integers}
  • E.g. 3x^2 - 2xy -y^2z = 7 Solution: x = 1, y = 2, z = -2
  • Hilbert’s 10th problem: Give an algorithm (TM) to decide D. (Only yes or no)
  • Matiyasevich proved in 1970: D is not decidable.

2. Single-Cycle Machine

  • Each instrurction takes a single clock cycle to execute
  • From ISA point of view, there are no “intermediate states” between AS and AS’ during instruction execution
  • All six phases of the instruction processing cycle take a single machine clock cycle to complete
    • Fetch
    • Decode
    • Evaluate Address
    • Fetch Operands
    • Execute
    • Store Result

state * Bottom neck of Single-Cycle Machine: The slowest instruction determines cycle time -> long cycle time (STORE) * We can have programmer-invisible state to optimize the speed of the instruction execution: multiple state transitions per instruction * AS -> AS’ (transform AS to AS’ in a single clock cycle) * AS -> AS + MS1 -> AS + MS2 -> … -> AS’ (take multiple clock cycles to transform AS to AS’) * Multi-Cycle Machine: The slowest “stage” determines cycle time

3. MIPS-Simulator


  • Microprocessor without interlocked Pipelined Stages
  • The hardware doesn’t do anything to detect the dependency between instructions, everything is handled by the software, so that you can design a microprocessor that is simple
  • Using C to simulate MIPS-hardware


appaddi addih

 * handle_addi
 * Add Immediate 
 * Opcode: 8
 * The 16-bit immediate is sign-extended and added to the contents of 
 * general register rs to form the result. The result is placed into general register rt.

int handle_addi(uint32_t instr) {
    // decode source code and target register
    int rs = decode_i_rs(instr);
    int rt = decode_i_rt(instr);

    int32_t immediate = (int32_t) decode_i_immediate(instr);
    // Note: addi normally raises exception on overflow
    // however, this functionality is not implemented here

    NEXT_STATE.REGS[rt] = CURRENT_STATE.REGS[rs] + immediate;


    return STATUS_OK;

mips addimips

3. Eva

Runtime semantics should be preserved !


Runtime #1 Arithmatic

Runtime #2 Variable

Runtime #3 Function (var lambda)

Runtime #4 Class (var Environment)